Of halos, crosses, stars and Boy Scouts
Just Catholic: It's a tough day for a saint when the halo goes. That's what's happened to Saints Cyril and Methodius, ninth-century missionaries to the Slavs.
Just Catholic is a Catholic perspective on the news -- especially when the church itself becomes the news -- from Phyllis Zagano. If we talk about religion, we must talk about the way we live it. It’s not only relationship with God, it’s relationship with ourselves and with each other.
Just Catholic: It's a tough day for a saint when the halo goes. That's what's happened to Saints Cyril and Methodius, ninth-century missionaries to the Slavs.
Just Catholic: For the summer afternoons of the Vatican II crowd, there are some good reads out there to displace thoughts of Medicare.
For Americans, the Fourth of July is a time to celebrate independence with hot dogs and fireworks. There are lots of other fireworks at the U.S. Naval Academy, where three hot-dogging football players stand accused of raping a female Midshipman at an off-campus drinking party.
Just Catholic: Edward Snowden told the world that the government is watching us. Give me a break. If they want my pesto recipe, they can have it.
Just Catholic: The idea that women can maybe be deaconesses without being ordained is a train wreck waiting to happen.
Just Catholic: The promises of cloning science are just that: promises. We should not support them with either free-market or tax dollars.
Just Catholic: Ireland's cleverly titled "Protection of Life during Pregnancy Bill 2013" supposedly clarifies current Irish law. It does not. It changes it.
Just Catholic: Don't you find it odd that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issues statements about what it says Pope Francis said to the congregation prefect?
Just Catholic: First Pope Francis got rid of the cufflinks. Next he'll fix the bureaucracy -- or so we hope.
Just Catholic: Can you tell me, what's the deal with everybody wanting guns? The last time I looked out the window, there weren't any British soldiers marching down the street.