National Catholic Reporter

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Minn. Catholics oppose, prayerfully, marriage amendment

NCR Today: Catholic Prayer Group, Hushed but Undeterred, Completes Six Months Vigil against Marriage Amendment


Mexican cardinal urges priests to promote vocations among US Hispanics

Mexican Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iniguez said he sees "many possibilities here in the United States for vocations from the Spanish-speaking people," and urged priests and other church leaders to work for...


Retired Kansas Bishop Fitzsimons dies; headed Salina diocese 1984-2004


Retired Bishop George K. Fitzsimons of Salina died Sunday at his home in Ogden. He was 84.

He headed the Salina diocese from 1984 to 2004. In retirement, he lived at the rectory of St. Patrick Parish in Ogden and continued to serve in the diocese until his death.

An evening wake is scheduled for Thursday and a funeral Mass is set to be celebrated the next morning. Both are to take place at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Salina, followed by burial in Mount Calvary Cemetery in Salina.

Catholic ethicist to head international religious freedom commission


Robert P. George, a Catholic legal scholar and ethicist who is the McCormick professor of jurisprudence at Princeton University, has been elected to head the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

He was appointed to the bipartisan commission in 2012 by House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio and is serving his first term as a commissioner.

George succeeds Katrina Lantos Swett, an appointee of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. She completed a one-year term as commission chair.

Retired Chicago auxiliary bishop dies; recalled as pastor and teacher

Retired Auxiliary Bishop Thad J. Jakubowksi of Chicago died Sunday at St. Mary of Providence Home, where he lived. He was 89.

A vigil is scheduled for Thursday at St. Robert Bellarmine Church, with a funeral Mass to be celebrated Friday at Holy Name Cathedral. Fr. Thomas Mulcrone, Chicago Fire Department chaplain, who lived with Jakubowksi at St. Mary of Providence, is to give the homily.

Jakubowksi was remembered as a pastor and teacher, someone who was direct and approachable.


Dolan: Hurricane Sandy brought out 'noble side' of people

New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan appeared on Fox News this morning to discuss the impact of Hurricane Sandy. Wearing an FDNY jacket, Dolan called the storm a "tragedy" that has brought out the "most noble sentiments of people."

Said Dolan:

What do you say? Our hearts are broken when we see the loss of life, the grieving families, the devastation,...


Lesbian answers bishop's call for dialogue on gay marriage

A woman whose spouse died after 10 years fights for Washington state's Referendum 74 but keeps her Catholic identity.


Report: Küng to retire

The Tablet of London is reporting that German theologian Hans Küng says he will "withdraw from the big stage" in March...


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August 2-15, 2013


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