A look at marriage equality from a historical perspective
Opinion: The same-sex marriage debate is raging these days. Beneath the breakers runs a broad stream of little-known history that might bring calm.
Opinion: The same-sex marriage debate is raging these days. Beneath the breakers runs a broad stream of little-known history that might bring calm.
“Brothers and sisters, if you were raised with Christ, seek what is above.” With these words, the author of the Letter to the Colossians sets the tone for our prayer together this Sunday. We are invited to focus on and find our fulfillment in God, rather than be bound by things of earth or so focused on ourselves that our perspective and our vision become myopic.
New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan said the pope's words "may be something people find new and refreshing. I for one don't think it is."
Soul Seeing: In the months before my dad died, he gave his family an intensive course in soul seeing.
Our Genesis author continues along the same road we traveled last week: pointing out personality traits in our faith ancestor that readers are expected to imitate. Two stand out today.
During a time in which set prices weren’t tagged on items for sale, one tried to obtain the object for as low a cost as possible. From an early age, one learned and practiced the art of negotiating, and Abraham demonstrates this skill.
Soul Seeing: Our daughter, Karla, found the pain of being human unbearable and took her own life. How can a parent bear it?
The decision came after parents sued the Encinitas Union School District to stop yoga classes introduced to elementary schoolchildren in the upscale suburb just north of San Diego.
Where do you go when you are looking for God? Do you go to a church? Do you find God there in the silence among the worn pews and the scent of flowers and incense? Perhaps you find God in nature’s cathedral -- in the quiet forest, or the regal mountains, or by the sea. Some find God in between the notes of a symphony; others in the mysterious maze of a labyrinth. Others find God in the complexity of the sciences, in biology, chemistry, physics. Still others experience God’s presence in the rhythm of a well-turned phrase or in a majestic hymn.
Essay: Any parish is a mix of people at various stages of their lives and a variety of emotional states. Like any family.
In today’s Gospel, the Lucan Jesus offers clear and concise directives to those who are to be his disciples in the world. First among these directives is the commission to go forth from the comfort of family and friends in order to bring the good news to the people and places Jesus would visit.